Five Home Staging Mistakes to Avoid When Selling a Home in Philadelphia

Outside of an apartment building for sale in philadelphia

When selling a home in one of the most historic cities in the United States— Philadelphia— it is important to do everything you can to ensure that your home stands out from the competition. Home staging is one of the best ways to get your home noticed and to maximize its sale price. However, home staging mistakes can be costly and can ultimately lead to a longer time on the market and a lower sale price.

In this blog, our Philadelphia realtors will discuss some of the most common home staging mistakes to avoid when selling a home in Philadelphia. Doing so will help ensure that you get the most out of your home sale and that the process is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Home Staging Mistake #1: Not Decluttering

addison street philadelphiaOne of the biggest home staging mistakes to avoid when selling a home in Philadelphia is not decluttering. Decluttering is essential because it helps to create a more inviting atmosphere and it allows potential buyers to visualize their own belongings in the space. Buyers want to be able to imagine themselves living in your home, and if there are too many personal items present, it can be difficult for them to do so.

When decluttering, remember to also remove any items that can be seen as clutter such as stacks of magazines, piles of laundry, and overflowing shelves. Additionally, you should also consider removing any furniture that is outdated or that is not being used. This will help to create an open and spacious feel in your home.

Finally, remember to de-personalize the home by removing any family photos, personal mementos, or anything else that could be distracting. While these items might be meaningful to you, they can be a distraction to potential buyers and can prevent them from seeing the potential in the home. You want the home to looked lived in, but not filled with another person’s memories. By decluttering and de-personalizing your Philadelphia home, you can create a more inviting atmosphere that will help to attract more buyers and potentially increase the sale price.

Home Staging Mistake #2: Not Updating the Space

Another home staging mistake to avoid when selling a home in Philadelphia is not updating the space. Buyers are looking for a home that is move-in ready and if your home is not up to par, it can be a major turn off. If you are looking to sell quickly, it is important to invest in home improvements that will help to modernize the space. This can include things such as painting the walls, replacing outdated flooring, updating the fixtures, and adding in new appliances.

Additionally, you should also make sure to keep up with regular maintenance such as changing air filters, cleaning the carpets, and fixing any broken items. Doing so can help to ensure that your home is ready to be shown at any time and that it stands out from the competition. Also, if you are not sure what updates to make, it is always a good idea to consult with a professional home stager who can advise you on the best improvements to make.

Home Staging Mistake #3: Not Accessorizing

staged home in philadelphiaAnother common home staging mistake to avoid when selling a home in Philadelphia is not accessorizing. Accessorizing is important because it helps to create a finished look in the space and it helps to make the home more inviting. When accessorizing, be sure to add in items that are neutral and that can appeal to a wide range of buyers. This can include things such as throw pillows, rugs, lighting fixtures, and artwork.

Additionally, you should also pay attention to the colors that you are using in the space. Neutral colors are best as they will help to create a palette that will appeal to more buyers and gives them an idea of how they want to reinvent the space to call it their own. You should consider adding in pops of color in the form of accent pieces to help to create visual interest in the space. An accent wall in a different color, for example, can really make the room stand out.

Home Staging Mistake #4: Not Utilizing Natural Light

Natural light can make all the difference when it comes to making a space look more inviting and open. Not only can it help to make the home brighter and more cheerful, but it can make the space seem bigger to your potential buyer. To do this, you should make sure to keep the window treatments open and to add in mirrors to help reflect the light.

You should also consider painting your walls a lighter color to help to create a more light and airy feel in the space. Darker or neutral colors tend to absorb more light than brighter colors, which can reduce the amount of natural light that enters a room. This can make a room feel darker, more muted, and more enclosed. So when painting your Philadelphia home for sale, remember to keep the neutral colors in rooms that do not need natural lighting.

Home Staging Mistake #5: Not Using a Unified Design

When it comes to home staging mistakes to avoid when selling a home in Philadelphia, another important one is not creating a unified design style. Home staging should be used to showcase the home in the best light possible, and this means creating a cohesive, unified design throughout the home. This can be done by using similar colors and textures in each room, ensuring that the furniture and other pieces of décor blend together, and using accessories that add to the overall look and feel of the home. Additionally, a unified design style will make it easier for potential buyers to envision themselves living in the home and make it much more appealing.

How Can a Real Estate Agent Near Me Help Stage My Philadelphia Home?

A real estate agent can help you with the home staging process in a number of ways:

  • Providing guidance on what changes to make: A real estate agent will have a good sense of what potential buyers are looking for in a home, and can provide guidance on what changes to make to the property to appeal to the most buyers. This may include things like decluttering, painting, and making minor repairs.
  • Arranging for professional staging services: Some real estate agents work with professional staging companies that can help bring in furniture, decor, and other elements to make the home look more appealing.
  • Providing suggestions for small changes that can make a big impact: Even small changes like rearranging furniture, adding a few key pieces of decor, or updating light fixtures can make a big difference in the way a home looks. A real estate agent can provide suggestions for these types of changes that can help make the home more attractive to buyers.
  • Offering a fresh perspective: A real estate agent who has experience selling homes will have a good eye for what makes a home appealing to buyers, and can offer a fresh perspective on what changes might be most effective in helping your home stand out on the market.

By staging your home properly and with the help of an experienced Philadelphia real estate agent near me, you can help to ensure that your home stands out from the competition and that you are able to get the most out of your home sale.

Our Philadelphia realtors at Maxwell Realty are here to help. We have more than 50 years of experience staging homes throughout Philadelphia. With more than $1 billion in sales, we know what your home will need to sell quickly. If you’re ready to sell your condo or house in Philadelphia, let us help. Contact Maxwell Realty today for more information.